While typing in the English language, many times wrong words or spelling mistakes are made, but now it seems that it is possible to solve it. The world's leading social networking website WhatsApp is now working on introducing the facility to delete word mistakes or messages. is doing, which will be made possible with the help of a sort of edit button.
According to WhatsApp's news app, WABtaInfo, the new beta version is adding an edit option that will provide editing and correction of errors in messages.
According to WABTA Info, for editing the message, you have to keep your finger on the message for some time and after selecting it, touch the vertical lines on the top, the edit button will appear, by selecting it, you can fix the message and it can remove errors.
According to the Khabar Rasan app, this can only be done within 15 minutes of sending the message, but any message after that will have the edited content added. According to WABTA Info, with the editing facility, you will be able to change the message multiple times.